
Join us in Glasgow!

We’re excited to be teaming up with the Scottish Pulmonary Vascular Unit at the Golden Jubilee Hospital to host our next Together event – this time in Glasgow.

Date: Saturday 3rd May
Time: 10am – 4pm
Location: Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel, Glasgow

Together Glasgow is for anyone cared for by the Golden Jubilee Hospital PH team. It’s a chance to meet other patients and their loved ones, hear expert talks from nurses and other PH professionals, and enjoy a day of learning and connecting. Plus, it’s totally free!

Not sure what to expect? Check out these highlights from our Together Sheffield event in 2023.

Bookings are now open (but hurry, as places are limited!) Simply complete the form below to secure your space. If you have any questions, drop us a line at and we’ll be very happy to help.

We can’t wait to see you in Glasgow in May!

Fancy joining us? Complete the form below to tell us you’d like to attend: