
Research opportunity: Quality of life and physical activity with PH

Researchers would like to discuss how PH impacts your life – and how physical activity might improve things.

Researchers from Sheffield Hallam University are inviting people with PH to take part in a phone or video call, to help them understand the impact that the condition has on quality of life. This will help inform the development of physical activity programmes specifically for pulmonary hypertension.
If you decide to take part, you will be asked to participate in an interview over a video call (via Zoom) or by phone at a time convenient to you, and complete a short questionnaire. The interview is expected to last between 30 and 45 minutes. 
Taking part in this study will allow you the opportunity to voice your experience of living with PH and the effect it has on certain health behaviours. This valuable insight from a patient’s perspective will help researchers understand how PH affects your day to day living and lifestyle behaviours, and it will help inform the development of future interventions to increase physical activity and improve quality of life for those living with PH.

If you would like to take part, please complete the form below and we will pass your contact details on to the researchers.


If you have any questions, please contact the researchers in the following ways:

Dr Sarah Hardcastle  
07305 087 522

Zachary Wells
07913 419970