PHA UK member Paul Sealey is gearing up to mark one year since life-saving surgery by running a half marathon for our charity.
6 June 2023Following a rigorous assessment, our information resources have been re-certified with a Patient Information Forum (PIF) quality mark for the third year running.
9 May 2023Two ambitious supporters will travel the entire length of the UK in support of our charity this summer.
1 May 2023A new video answers common questions about the role of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis and management of PH.
28 March 2023The PHA UK has partnered with a health technology company to help make it easier for patients to take part in clinical trials.
13 March 2023The latest National Audit of Pulmonary Hypertension has shown performance against national standards has returned to pre-pandemic levels – with specialist centres continuing to provide a high-quality service to patients.
3 February 2023