Donations in lieu of presents: Why not ask for donations instead of birthday, Christmas, or anniversary presents? It’s a unique way of marking special occasions, and will raise awareness of PH amongst friends and family too. Donations can be collected via online fundraising pages, or on social media. Find out more here.
Bake sales: Everyone loves cake, so turn your fundraiser into a social event too by baking (or buying!) some goodies to sell to family, friends or colleagues. Our fundraising packs contain PHA UK cake flags, price cards and bunting, to make your sale extra special. Order yours for free here.
Bring and buy sale / car boot sale: De-clutter and raise funds at the same time! You’ll be amazed at what people will buy.
Quiz nights (online or in person): If your local pub hosts a regular quiz night, see if they will dedicate one to our cause. You could also organise one independently or set one up with friends and family online via Zoom. Why not include some questions about PH?
Bingo nights are another great way of getting social whilst raising money, and are also perfect for hosting online.
Dress-down days: Organise a dress-down day at work, or a non-uniform day at school, and ask for donations in return. You could make it even more fun by encouraging people to wear pyjamas or fancy dress!
Head shaves and haircuts: For the brave ones amongst you, being sponsored to shave your head or chop off long locks is a great way of bringing attention to our cause.
If you have PH and you’re keen to take on a physical challenge within your limits, why not set yourself an achievable daily walking target? Or set a goal distance, and work towards it over a number of days or weeks?
Depending on fitness and ability, ideas could include:
If you have PH, please always speak to your specialist team before taking on a physical fundraising challenge.